Fjordhawk high level [PC PVE]
Fjordhawks are a must-have dino if you have a tendency to die a lot, you're afraid to die in a cave or simply exploring a new map you don't feel safe in. Upon your death, if you're carrying a Fjordhawk on your shoulder, it will spawn with you and drop a bag with all your inventory besides you (no matter how heavy it is and where you spawn). With this dino you don't have to look for your bag anymore, it will be spawned with you where ever you choose to spawn.
This mechanic might be abused by farming heavy resources and dying, making the hawk bring the heavy resources to your bed by the storage but we expect it to be patched soon. Arknomaly will update this listing if we notice the change but we don't hold the responsibility if this mechanic is patched and the description is still here.